L O N G B E A C H - S O U T H B A YC H A P T E R O F C A M F T
Zoom Chapter Meeting
The Evolving Couple: Treatment and Interventions for Individuals and Couples
with Dr. Steve Wolf
The Evolving Couple and Adult 2.0 is a psychologically oriented, spiritually centered approach which recognizes the couple as an energetic field that exists like an invisible child and goes through predetermined stages of couple development which includes the possibility for transformation .
By working with the dynamics between the psychological and the spiritual dimensions the Evolving Couple therapist functions as a catalyst to provide the necessary containment and the “heat” that produces a transformation in the couple, like heat transforms water into steam. The Couple’s ability to deal with the inevitable challenges of relationship evolves out of their shared process of commitment to internal growth.
In this presentation, participants will have the opportunity to:
Dr. Steve Wolf, Presenter
Dr. Wolf is a Clinical Psychologist working with couples and individuals since 1986. He co-authored, “Romancing the Shadow” with Dr. Connie Zweig, developed the Taming Your Anger, Taming Your Anxiety, Building Blocks for Emotional Intelligence and CoupleZwork Workbooks. He produced “Remedy for Rage,” a documentary of a Taming Your Anger with Emotional Intelligence program for Inner City Teens.
Meetings Are Now FREE
For LBSB CAMFT Members Who Pre-Register!
Participants Will Receive 2 CEU's Via Email
8:45 A.M. Breakout groups for networking 9:00 A.M. Announcements from President 9:15 A.M. Presentation Begins 11:15 A.M. Presentation Ends
8:45 A.M. Breakout groups for networking
9:00 A.M. Announcements from President
9:15 A.M. Presentation Begins
11:15 A.M. Presentation Ends
For questions regarding CEU's contact Diane Bagatourian,
Co-Director of Programs: programs1@lbsbcamft.org