L O N G B E A C H - S O U T H B A Y |
LB-SB CAMFT recognizes that as an organization we have not been as aware of or done enough to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We acknowledge that we have a lot to learn and we have work to do. We commit to working in practical and substantive ways to take action in both our organization and our community to learn about and remain aware of longstanding patterns of historical and systemic discrimination and biases, and to take action towards breaking these patterns.
We recognize that discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, indigenous heritage, immigration status, religion, socioeconomic status, marital/relationship status contributes to disparities in power, privilege, influence, control, and opportunities in our organization and in our community.
The Board of LB-SB CAMFT commits to the following action items: Plan of Action for 2021/2022
To get involved with making LBSB CAMFT more diverse, equitable, and inclusive, contact Kimberly Anderson, LMFT, DEI Director, at dei@lbsbcamft.org